Quantum Mechanics has some mind blowing theories but some theories are proving that our very reality is holding on to a tread. The "Double Slit Experiment" shoots photons through two slits at one time. The fascinating part is when the particles are all sent at the same time they form a pattern. But what will blow your mind is that the single photon particles for a unknown reason are still creating the same pattern, like a constant pattern should. The experiments show the single photons when not being observed created the pattern in their reality but when equipment is place to observe the single photon the pattern is not seen. So the experiment is showing that the observation of the reality of the single photons changes their existence in real time.
So Imagine if we achieve the science and consciousness to understand and observe our reality from another one, we could possibly destroy our own existence. Crazy to think this could even be possible, but if the experiment clearly shows a change of reality for the single photons then it gives a fantastical view that one day we may affect our reality, hopefully with a positive outcome. Will these theories of Quantum Mechanics be beyond our understanding or will we unravel the true fabric of our own reality..
Here is a link to a short clip narrated by Morgan freeman from the science series "Through the Wormhole", on the "Double Slit Experiment":
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