Far in between, fully documented cases of creatures Like Sasquatch are reported here in the U.S. and from other countries around the world. Between 1950 and 1960 several newspaper articles were printed locally in the countries of Argentina and Chile about a mysterious sighting of what could possibly have been a South American Yeti or Neanderthal man. La Gazeta, a now defunct newspaper from the city of Santiago Chile reported that Local farmers and one government engineer at the time investigating the possibility of radioactive material in the area claimed finding large strange prints of a creature that was neither human nor any animal found in the region.
The government engineer, Claudio Level Spitch reported that the prints he saw were very similar to the ones found in the Himalayan Mountains of Tibet -- which at the time became a worldwide sensation. The footprints and reports of the Yeti like creature came from the high plateaus of the Andes Mountain range which borders Chile and Argentina. The reports by the newspaper stated that some locals of the region of Punena close to the ominous Mole del Nevado Macon mountain range (which rises 6,700 meters above sea level) did not pay much attention to the strange prints at the time. But once the engineer realized that they look similar to the print of the Himalayan Yeti, he knew something strange was going on in the region.
The locals for years have been seen the strange prints but were used to observing strange things in the harsh environment of the area. Some have even reported seeing UFOs and other paranormal events but due to the limited communications with big city newspapers many of the reports never left the area. Surprisingly, the famous world rewound explorer Ivan Terence Anderson made references to a Yeti like creature that supposedly roamed the Andes Mountains of Chile during his explorations in the 1950’s and 1960’s, yet these well-documented events never reached the world wide status of the Yeti from Tibet.
In one newspaper report on the 23 of July 1956, a local trucker while driving in a desolate region of the area so happened to come across what look to him like giant hairy man. He then stopped his truck and grabbed his shotgun and began to chase the beast that ran at a high speed uphill and disappeared into the rock sides of the mountain. He described the creature had large hairy feet between 12 to 15 inches long. No other details were given in the report since it was a short clip of interest in the local paper.
In another newspaper, a local reported that strange bone-chilling screams had been heard in the area of the Nevado Macon Mountain range, close to a train station from Tolar Grande. The screams would begin when the sun went down and footprints would be found in the surrounding areas of the station. The locals stated they seem to be screams like of anger or pain.
La Gaceta (Santiago, Chile) 19580508 pg.7a |
The most detailed report of an abominable snowman came from a group of locals from a small village located in Rengo, Chile. The men of the twenty families living in the province of Rengo, swore on their children’s lives a half-man, half-ape creature exist in the area. One of the men, a farmer by the name of Absalon Valencia gave the statement that in December of 1957 a group of hunters and himself from Rengo came across a hairy animal which one of the members of the hunting party noticed walking crouched along the rocks nearby. Scared, several of the men fired at the hairy animal and to their surprise the animal stood up and began to run like any bipedal creature. All us became startled, stated Valencia, seen that the strange being was running away we notice it was a type of man-ape with a colossal height. The man-ape had long arms and long dark hair which reached his waist and wore animal skins to cover his body. We all thought we were seeing things or it was just a crazy local living in the mountains, but I can assure you, stated Valencia to the reporter, that the men and myself had never seen such a tall being, the being must have measured two and a half meters (8 feet).
If these reports are true, they are unfortunately difficult to confirm, although the newspapers did exist at one point, no photographic evidence exist of any prints. The newspapers received numerous testimonies in a region of Argentina and Chile which is desolate and thinly populated today as it was then. Could a South American relative of the Tibetan Yeti still be roaming the Mountain ranges of these two countries? This possibility of such a creature existing in South America could confirm Bigfoot like creatures may or have existed in almost every continent around the world. With so many explorers, scientist and researchers searching for the likes of Bigfoot and the Yeti around the world, reports like these could be important clues to viable locations of exploration which can lead to undeniable evidence of these supposed half-man, half-ape beings.
References via:
El Intransigente (Salta) 12 de Agosto de 1956, pg.1, Ivan T. Sanderson: The Abominable Snowman, Legend Come to Life Jove, (USA, 1977), El Tribuno (Salta) 17-19 de Julio de 1956, Angelo Moretti en Jacques Bergier-George Gallet: El Libro del Misterio, Plaza y Janés (Barcelona, 1981), pg. 161-167, Héctor Pedro Anganuzzi: Historia de los Platos Voladores en Argentina, Plus Ultra (Buenos Aires, 1976), Fabio Picasso: More on the Mono Grande Mystery, Strange Magazine (Maryland) Nº9 (1992), pg. 41-53, Latitud - 25.6333 Longitud -65.6333 Altitud (pies) 4491 Lat (DMS) 25° 37' 60S Long (DMS) 65° 37' 60W Altitud (metros) 1368, La Gaceta (Santiago, Chile) 8-16 de Mayo de 1958, pg6 and 7, Fabio Piccas: EL MACON Y EL ABOMINABLE HOMBRE DE LOS ANDES 2002 (segunda parte). Abominable Snowmen: Legend Come to Life: The Story Of Sub-Humans On Five Continents From The Early Ice Age Until Today, Adventures Unlimited Press, 2006, paperback, ISBN 1-931882-58-4.
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